c0=1:MYLEVEL:/notice $nick You are weak! You have at least access level 1!
c1=3:MYLEVEL:/notice $nick You are a friend! You have at least access level 3!
c2=5:MYLEVEL:/notice $nick I trust you completely! You have at lest access level 5!
c3=7:MYLEVEL:/notice $nick Hey Boss! How is it going! You have access level 7!
c4=1:WHOAMI:/notice $nick You are $nick your address is $address
c5=1:PING:/notice $nick Hee hee, that tickles! :>
c6=1:Finger:/notice $nick If You Want To Know Something About Me... Ask!
c7=1:TIME:/notice $nick At the tone it will be.. $day $date $time ........BEEP !!
c8=1:VERSION:/notice $nick I'm Using mIRC 3.8« ! If you need to know where to get it ....ask me!
c9=1:USERINFO:/notice $nick You have reached a non-working number ...Please hang up and try your call later₧!
c10=1:CLIENTINFO:/notice $nick I am the ClOlOlOlOlOLeSt client!
c11=1:HELP:/notice $nick The following commands are available to you: MYLEVEL, WHOAMI, PING, VERSION, TIME, FINGER, USERINFO, CLIENTINFO, and HELP, : The formats for these commands are: " /ctcp mynick WHATEVER " If you think your access level is higher than level 1 try HELPME ....I hope this helped you $nick ...Thank You for using this HELP $nick ....GoodBye!
c12=1:HELPME:/notice $nick sorry you do not have the required access level for this help!
c13=1:HELPUS:/notice $nick Sorry this is My Leader's personal help! You don't have the required access level!
c14=5:HELPME:/notice $nick The following commands are available to you: MYLEVEL, WHOAMI, PING, VERSION, TIME, FINGER, USERINFO, CLIENTINFO, OPME, UNBAN, HELP, and HELPME : the format for UNBAN is: " /ctcp mynick UNBAN #channel yournick " the format for OPME is: " /ctcp mynick OPME #channel " all the rest are: " /ctcp mynick WHATEVER " ....I hope this helped you $nick ...Thank You for being a friend $nick ....GoodBye!
c15=5:OPME:/mode $parm1 +o $nick
c16=5:UNBAN:/mode $parm1 -b $parm2
c17=7:PART:/part $parm1 | /notice $nick I have left Channel $parm1
c18=7:QUIT:/notice $nick Okay Boss, I'm quitting.....see you later! | /quit
c19=7:SEND:/dcc send $nick $parms
c21=7:HELPUS:/notice $nick The following commands are available to you: MYLEVEL, WHOAMI, PING, VERSION, TIME, FINGER, USERINFO, CLIENTINFO, CN (change nick), OPME, PART, QUIT, SEND,BOPME and DO : the format for UNBAN is " /ctcp mynick UNBAN #channel yournick " the format for OPME is " /ctcp mynick OPME #channel " all the rest are: " /ctcp mynick WHATEVER " I hope this helped you $nick My Boss ...Bye $nick
c22= 8:*:/msg $me Someone has an incorrect user level!!
e0=#groupAWAY disabled
e1=1:ON TEXT:*:?:/msg $nick I'AM AWAY.... Be Back Soon!! This is a recording not me!!! (all msges will be logged)
e2=#groupAWAY end
e3=1:ON JOIN:#:/msg $chan Hi $nick!
e4=#groupDCC start
e5=1:ON CHAT:hi:/msg =$nick Hi $nick please type help now
e6=1:ON CHAT:hello:/msg =$nick Hi $nick please type help now
e7=1:ON CHAT:=hey:/msg =$nick Hi $nick please type help now
e8=1:ON CHAT:yo:/msg =$nick Hi $nick please type help now
e9=1:ON CHAT:help:/msg =$nick This is help for X .....you can also try /msg X help ....for a specific topic type /msg X help <topic>.....I will explain the formats better...Simply say one of these words and i will help you : access, op , kick, ban , commands and rules
e10=1:ON CHAT:access:/msg =$nick There are a couple of access levels.. to see if you have access type ..../msg X access #TeenLife $nick
e11=1:ON CHAT:op:/msg =$nick you can't op people through X unless you have access 100 : the format is /msg X op #TeenLife <nick> ...To gain ops you have to be on X's user list
e12=1:ON CHAT:kick:/msg =$nick you have to have access 75 to kick people with X ...format is : /msg X kick #channel <nick>
e13=1:ON CHAT:ban:/msg =$nick you have to have access 75 to ban people with X .... format is : /msg X ban #channel <nick>
e14=1:ON CHAT:commands:/msg =$nick for a list of X's commands available to you type /msg X showcommands
e15=1:ON CHAT:rules:/msg =$nick Rules: Never Kick, Ban, Deop,Test, X or it's administrators....this is considered abuse by CSERVICE .......this could result in you being banned from the channel or maybe even K-Lined (which means banned from IRC)........Also never bring any bots on the channel....don't use protection,auto op, shitlist scripts, protection scripts,auto op scripts...and hacker scripts like Phoenix and LiCe...Thank You....Basically just be nice =)